July 18, 2021
Running Only Previously Failed PHPUnit Tests
I love TDD, or test-driven development. It does take getting used to the seemingly slower pace of development but to me that's an illusion. Sure, I can't just spike out an app in 3 hours but my...
ReadJune 30, 2021
My ZSH Snippets
After typing the same commands at a shell prompt or manually configuring some JSON config file for the umpteenth time, I sometimes find myself falling down the rabbit-hole and wanting to make my life...
ReadNovember 16, 2020
Testing When Using Laravel's SoftDeletes
The other night I was trying to debug a rather irritating issue in an app where some tests would inexplicably pass or fail. There didn't seem to be any pattern - e.g. I could run the whole suite 10...
ReadOctober 29, 2020
Building an Autocomplete/Typeahead Component with AlpineJS and Livewire
The concept was simple: build an autocomplete (or if you prefer, typeahead) text input for a project I was working on but using only AlpineJS and Livewire. Fast forward a couple of weeks, multiple...